Thursday, March 22, 2007


I strongly suggest that you click here to read the previous post on The Cauldron first, as it has more background on this 23rd Major I designed. The Cauldron is a card new to The Tarot entirely, not just this Taiga Tarot. The previous post also shares meanings I've seen for it in readings over the years and the previous version of the Taiga Tarot design.

Additional Background on The Cauldron (XXII): My use of the word "cauldron" is largely poetic, as opposed to alchemical in meaning as in XIV of The Thoth and The Arthurian Tarots. (E.g., I often feel when gazing at the night sky that I'm peering into the cauldron of creation.) I think of XXII as being a process, a creative ferment, that lies beyond light/dark, pleasure/pain, etc. So that where dualities arise is in manifestation, and in our attempts to look at/understand/effect that process. In a way, I see The Cauldron as outside the circle of the 22 Majors, outside of time and manifestation. Or rather, as my attempt to represent that which I intuit (imagine?) to be beyond and outside, preceding and following, yet existing within. (Prose fails me here, poetry comes closer, and this Taiga Tarot design a wee bit closer yet.)

A friend suggested that the initial design needed the rim of The Cauldron showing, as taiga are supposed to stand alone, without explanations. But as I explained (:-D) to him, the card has never existed before, so has to be explained. However, I have put the rim in the design, as I do want to make these taiaga as close as possible to "true" taiga as I can. Here's the revision:

BRIEF BACKGROUND ON THE TAIGA TAROT (Click here for additional background on the Taiga Tarot.):

When I decided the name of the deck would be The Taiga Tarot, I liked not only the alliteration but the resemblance of the word “taiga” to “tiger.” One of my power animals is the Siberian Tiger (and by extension, all tigers), which first appeared as three tiger kittens in a dream. What I had completely forgotten at the time was that the area of Siberia in which the tiger ranges is called “The Taiga”!

A “taiga” (briefly put) is an illustrated tanka. A “tanka” is a mood poem written in five lines, that usually references natural images and human emotions. Also, there is often a contrast or conclusion or response in the last two lines to the first three. I recognize that the tanka/taiga I’m developing for The Taiga Tarot are non-traditional. As with the dream haiku I write, I am not only attempting to bridge two things – with this deck, Tarot and taiga – but also bringing my own experimental slant to it all.

* * * *

‘til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm and Roswila's Tarot Gallery & Journal.****

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